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  • Writer's pictureGracia Odile J

Advent: A Journey of Patience, Reflection, and Anticipation

I’ve been a Christian and a church goer all my life, but have never looked into the season of Advent as closely as I am doing this year. My love for this season has grown immensely.

Advent is a celebration of someone’s arrival, and it is the season of hope and expectations. In our fast-paced modern world, where instant gratification is the norm, we've lost touch with the art of patience.

We have forgotten what it looks like to wait.

I get annoyed when Isaac picks me up 15 minutes late, I call the customer care number when my Zomato order is taking too long, and let’s not forget about the two minutes Maggie that is never two minutes. Petty inconveniences irk us.

It makes me ponder how God's people in the past eagerly anticipated the arrival of the Savior—a level of anticipation I want to embody now.

Amidst the December chaos, traditionally the busiest month, I find it all the more crucial to slow down, pause, and reflect. Last week, a friend's excitement over a Black Friday sale prompted me to wonder why we aren't equally thrilled about the birth of the Messiah. Like seriously, why!? (Sorry, I’d like to be dramatic sometimes.)

The lyrics of "Who Would Have Dreamed" by Sovereign Grace Music make me pause and think about the significance of what we're anticipating.

“And who would have dreamed or ever foreseen That we could hold God in our hands?”

What an extraordinary hope we have! While our hearts await various worldly desires—be it good health, a life partner, a child, or a fulfilling job—I encourage you to include Christ in that waiting. Turn your gaze toward Him and allow His love to bring about powerful change within you.

When I read the Christmas classic, "A Christmas Carol," I am reminded of the hopeful and loving transformation of Scrooge. Let this advent change you. I'm discovering the beauty of slowing down, practicing patience, and pondering the essence of who He is. Pondering on His promises that have been fulfilled, and yet to be fulfilled.

To make this process as creative as possible, I came up with something our family could do together. I curated a set of Christmas-themed cards with verses highlighting Christ's attributes, qualities, and names. The idea is to choose any one card and read the verse to each other and share what it speaks to us. Since my husband is away we do this over a video call.

Look at who He is and know His heart as you prepare for this season. If you'd like to have a copy of these cards, click here!

Much love,



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